Frequently Asked Questions

Check out our FAQs below, and if you have any additional questions please feel free to reach out via our contact form!

How do I know if you are the groomer right for us and our dog?

If you see the value of keeping up with grooming and want to create the most positive experience for your dog then we are a match! It is important to us that you are as invested in your dog’s grooming experience as we are. So we are looking to work with owners who are interested in working with us exclusively so we can build a lasting relationship of trust and respect with your pet.

Can I stay while my dog is being groomed?

Unfortunately we do not allow clients to stay while their pet is being worked on. It is important for us to build our own relationship with your pup, based on trust and communication. When an owner stays it is confusing for the dogs, and creates a barrier for us to have to work around when trying to form a good relationship with their pet.

Your prices seem higher than other shops, why is this?

Our prices reflect the experience we share (over 30 years combined) and our individualized standard of care for each pet. We are investing much more than how your dog looks during our time together. Our dedication to keeping our studio a calm and quiet space so we can really start to work with your pet and create a meaningful relationship means we can take less clients in a day.

How often should my dog be groomed?

The time in-between grooms will vary from pet to pet. If we are working on behavioural issues you can expect to come see us every 10-14 days. If you are booking regular grooms you can expect to see us every 4-12 weeks. 12 weeks is the longest time we will allow to lapse between grooms as grooming dogs that are left longer than 12 weeks is very hard on both the groomer and pet.

What kind of products will be used?

As a small local business we support other local businesses whenever we can. So we have chosen to partner with a local company who’s products we believe in, can trust, and have seen great results time after time. We use Beau Canine Essentials line of shampoos and conditioners. These products are hypoallergenic and are made with premium botanical extracts and essential oils that leave your pet feeling and smelling fantastic! 

However, you are welcome to bring vet recommended products if that is what is best for your pet.

What is your cancellation policy?

We ask for 48 hours notice if any rescheduling or cancellations need to happen or the full price of the groom will still be charged. We do understand emergencies and extenuating circumstances can happen, so please get in touch with us as soon as possible if this is the case. 

What if I am late?

In order to keep our studio a calm space for your pet, we limit the amount of dogs in our shop at one time. If you are given a pick-up time we ask that you stick to it as closely as possible or a late pickup fee may be applied.